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Friday, August 30, 2013

Diamond Perl Beautiful Engagement Ring 40

                                                     DAIMOND RING

Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
By Aamir Mannan.

Though the majority of readcrs may be already familiar with the elementary equipment which the dealer or trained gemmologist uses in handling and housing gemstone, a brief desription and some advice on the fundamental tools and techniques maybe valuable to those who are as yet unaccustomed to coping withloose stones. 
To watch an expert sort through a collection of stone on his cloth-topped desk-picking up selected specimens with his tongs to scrutinise closely with a 
powerful lens, scooping up those required with a small shovel, and shooting them neatly into a stone paper-one might con-sider the whole process extremely simple, But anyone attempting for the first time to follow this routine would find each stage full of un-expected snags, and would feel himself as clumsy and inept as does a 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gents Diamond Engagement Wedding Ring 39

   Gents Ring
                          By Aamir Mannan.                    Aap ki pasand hai Khaas

Your Choice is Great Honor for Us

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Loin Gold Fashion Ring 38

Loin Fashion Ring.
Aap ki pasand hai khaas
Your Choice is Great Honor for Us

Tiger Diamond Beautiful Rings 37

Tiger Beautiful Rings.

Your Choice is Great Honor for Us.
By Aamir Mannan.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Blue Stylish Engagement Ring 36

Blue Styile Ring.
 BLUE RING      By Aamir Mannan.
Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
It has already been stated that each mineral has a definite refractive index by which it can be identified on the refractometer; list of these indices will be found on p. 27, and at the of the post. for the benefit of those who like to have at least a rough idea of the working of an instrument which they are using, a short description of the basic principle upon which all gem-tasting refractometer depend followers. 

however, those, who would like to know how to use a refractometer, but who prefer to shirk such explanation, can skip the next section and await the strictly practical directions which will be given later, on p.21. what followers can best be understood by considering the diagram, figure 2.2. here rays of light are considered passing from a dense medium into a rarer one, say from glass into air. the rays will then be refracted away from the normal, NOM (the revers process of the former case considered in figure 2.1).

Engagement And Bridal Diamond Rings 35

Bridal Diamond Rings
By Aamir Mannan.
Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
It has already been stated that each mineral has a definite refractive index by which it can be identified on the refractometer; list of these indices will be found on p. 27, and at the of the post. for the benefit of those who like to have at least a rough idea of the working of an instrument which they are using, a short description of the basic principle upon which all gem-tasting refractometer depend followers. however, those, who would like to know how to use a refractometer, but who prefer to shirk such explanation, can skip

Green Beautiful Engagement Fashion Ring 34

Green Beautiful Fashion Ring 
By Aamir Mannan.
Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
Colours plays an extermely important part in contributing to the beauty and popularity of precious stones. it was their colour that made such stones as turquoise and lapis lazuli among the first to attract the cupidity of early civilised man, and it is the mangnificent crimson red of ruby, the deep cornflower blue of the finest sapphires and the verdant green of emerald which 

(added to their transparency, hardness and rarity) have caused them always to rank amongst the supremely precious gems. only in the case of diamond, unique in this as in so many other ways, has a complete lack of colour been  regarded as the standard of perfection. those unversed in gemmology find it hard to realise that is most of the mineral species used as gems a wide colour range is possible, and that in their 'pure' state they would be colourless and thereby of relatively little value.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jaede Super Fashion Engagement Ring 33

 Jaede Super Fashion Ring 
Aap Ki Pasand Hai Khass 
By Aamir Mannan.
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us
In some minerals the figures very somewhat; thus in zircon, while the blue, white, and golden 'fried' type most popular in moderan jewellery are almost constant in their birefringence of 0.059. many of the ceyclonese zircons. particularly the green varieties, have a much lower double refractions, sinking in some cases practically to zero. this peculiaity is unique amongst minerals, and will be discussed at greater length in the chapter on zircon. synthetic rutile has been manufactured in the USA (since 1949), and its anormous double refraction will be one means of
identification. calcite, though not a gemstone, plays an important part in gemmological instruments in its optocally pure form of 'ice land spar', how, apart

Garnet Beautiful Engagement Rings 32

Garnet Beautiful Rings 
Aap Ki Pasand Hai Khaas 
By Aamir Mannan.
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us

This deviation of rays of light on entering a new medium is called refraction. In figure 2.1 the rays of light, I.O, is refracted along OR  on entering the denser medium blow the surface PQ. The broken line show the path of  followed by the reflacted light. The extent of the bending of refraction of light on entering the stone depends upon its refracting power or 'refractive index', and this is inversely proportional to the velocity of light withing the substance. Put differently, the refractive index of a medium may be define as the

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Albania Diamond Engagement Rings 31

 Albania Diamond Rings.
By Aamir Mannan.


Previously part of the Byzantine and later the Ottoman empires, Albania gained independence in 1912. It became a Stalinist regime under Enver Hoxha after World War II and remained extremely isolationist in policy and outlook until the Communists lost power in 1992.

Albania ended 44 years of xenophobic communist rule and established a multiparty democracy. The transition has proven difficult as corrupt governments have tried to deal with high unemployment, a dilapidated infrastructure, widespread gangsterism, and disruptive political opponents. International observers judged local elections in 2000 to be acceptable and a step toward democratic development, but serious deficiencies remain to be corrected.

Albania joined NATO in April 2009 and is a potential candidate for EU accession. Although Albania's economy continues to grow, the country is still one of the poorest in Europe, hampered by a large informal economy and an inadequate energy and transportation infrastructure. 

Afghan Ruby Engagement Ring 30

Afghani  Ruby Yaqoot Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.

Afghanistan's recent history is characterized by war and civil unrest. The Soviet Union invaded in 1979, but was forced to withdraw 10 years later by anti-Communist mujahidin forces supplied and trained by the US, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. 

Fighting subsequently continued among the various mujahidin factions, giving rise to a state of warlordism that eventually spawned the Taliban. 

Backed by foreign sponsors, the Taliban developed as a political force and eventually seized power. The Taliban were able to capture most of the country, aside from Northern Alliance strongholds primarily in the northeast, until US and allied military action in support of the opposition following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks forced the group's downfall. In late 2001, major leaders from the Afghan opposition groups and diaspora met in Bonn, Germany, and agreed on a plan for the formulation

Emerald Beautiful Engagement Ring 29

Emerald Beautiful Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.
In some minerals the figures very somewhat; thus in zircon, while the blue, white, and golden 'fried' type most popular in moderan jewellery are almost constant in their birefringence of 0.059. many of the ceyclonese zircons. particularly the green varieties, have a much lower double 

refractions, sinking in some cases practically to zero. this peculiaity is unique amongst minerals, and will be discussed at greater length in the chapter on zircon. synthetic rutile has been manufactured in the USA (since 1949), and its anormous double refraction will be one means of identification. calcite, though not a gemstone, plays an important part in gemmological instruments in its optocally pure form of 'ice land spar', how, apart 

Mans Turquoise Engagement Ring 28

By Aamir Mannan.
This deviation of rays of light on entering a new medium is called refraction. In figure 2.1 the rays of light, I.O, is refracted along OR  on entering the denser medium blow the surface PQ. The broken line show the path of  followed by the reflacted light. The extent of the bending of refraction of light on entering the stone depends upon its refracting power or 'refractive index', and this is inversely proportional to the velocity of light 

withing the substance. Put differently, the refractive index of a medium may be define as the velocity of light in air* divided by the velocity of light in the medium. The velocity of light in air approximately I86,000 miles per second, and light from the sun and stars travel to us at this immense speed. In quartz (rock, crystal, amethyst, etc) the velocity is reduced to approximately I20,000 and its diamond to only 76,860 miles per second. Thus diamond, in which light travels as mentioned above, at 76,860 miles per second in empty space, has a refractive index of I86,000\76,860=2.042; higher then the refractive index of any other gemstones used in jewellery-accounting for the brilliant, adamantine lustre of the stone.
This deviation of rays of light on entering a new medium is called refraction. In figure 2.1 the rays of light, I.O, is refracted along OR  on entering the denser medium blow the surface PQ. The broken line show the path of  followed by the reflacted light. The extent of the bending of refraction of light on entering the stone depends upon its refracting power or 'refractive index', and this is inversely proportional to the velocity of light 
withing the substance. Put differently, the refractive index of a medium may be define as the velocity of light in air* divided by the velocity of light in the medium. The velocity of light in air approximately I86,000 miles per second, and light from the sun and stars travel to us at this immense speed. In quartz (rock, crystal, amethyst, etc) the velocity is reduced to approximately I20,000 and its diamond to 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ruby Super Engagement Rings 27

Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
Ruby Ring
Debemos decirle a los seguros de vida. Del mismo modo el seguro que necesita de la joyería de la joyería de seguro que debe tener,

 Seguro que te da absoluta,
Cosas que usted debe saber sobre el Seguro de joyería:
Reglamento del Seguro
Las leyes estatales varían, pero el comisionado de seguros y los estados individuales están reguladas por los servicios de seguros. Algunos estados regulan firmemente seguros lenguaje del contrato y otros contratos de los estados con las compañías de seguros a escribir su propia lengua permite. Con su agente de seguros para discutir sus necesidades de seguro debe ser. Si usted tiene una pérdida de sustituir el elemento que confiar en el joyero tiene el derecho a elegir. Su compañía de seguros puede hacer sugerencias, pero el elemento que desea utilizar como alternativa a la companying a su seguro depende de usted.
Cobertura de seguro
La mayoría de los propietarios o póliza de seguro de inquilino cubre sus joyas lo hace. También puede comprar joyas de seguros privados.
Seguro Primario
Sus propietarios o inquilinos no programadas propiedad personal serán cubiertos por un seguro que incluye joyas. Sin embargo, la política no cubre todas las pérdidas. Los límites en dólares se reducen programado propiedad personal. En el caso de un robo de cobrarle sólo $ 500.00 precio tan bajo como se puede añadir a una pérdida total. El precio de $ 1000.00 con un artículo de la joyería para los elementos específicos que desea cubrir su horario de joyería. Está conectado a una política inquilinos dueño de una casa o con un flotador artículos personales, que se hace con. Una póliza de seguro de joyería independiente o privado que puede comprar. Este tipo de cobertura de seguro para cubrir todos los tipos de pérdidas con menos emisiones podrían ser muy amplia.
Premium o costo de asegurar
Añadir a asegurar los precios estatales pueden variar según el estado. También sirven la misma área de diferentes compañías de seguros pueden variar. La mayoría de las tasas de cobertura de seguros son por $ 100.00. Algunas empresas tienen una tarifa estándar, dependiendo del valor de sus productos a otros puede cambiar la velocidad del certificado, es. Para obtener una póliza de seguro de joyería privada, elevando las primas excesivas deducibles o la opción de pago puede salvar. Nada se compara a ti - debe comprar. Incluso un sistema de alarma o de seguridad en el hogar pueden incluir descuentos en su seguro.

World Gems Green Engagement Rings 26

World Gams Green
Your Choice is Great Honor for Us
By Aamir Mannan.

 Insurance of Jewelry Basic Need 

Should the unforeseeable occur and you suffer a loss, Warren Jewelers works closely with your insurance company to help you with replacement or compensation of your valuable jewelry or family heirloom. 

Things you need to know about Jewelry Insurance:
Insurance Regulations
State laws differ but are regulated by the Insurance Commissioner and insurance departments of the individual states. Some states tightly regulate insurance company contract language and other states allow insurance companies to write contracts with their own language. You should discuss your insurance needs with your insurance agent. If you do suffer a loss you do have the right to choose the jeweler who you trust to replace the item. Your insurance company may make suggestions but it is up to you to tell your insurance companying whom you would like to use to replace the item.
Insurance Coverage
Most jewelry is covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy. You can also buy private jewelry insurance.
Basic Insurance
Unscheduled personal property includes jewelry which would be covered by your homeowners or renters insurance. However, in most policies not all losses are covered. In addition there are low dollar limits on unscheduled personal property. In a case of a large theft you may only be covered for a total loss as low as $500.00

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pearl Stylish Engagement Rings 25

Aap Ki Pasand Hai Khass
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us
By Aamir Mannan.                                                                   Pearl Stylish Rings 
The 'Pick-up' position for a stone is when it is resting flat on its table facet. if the tongs, also resting flat on the table, are slid into position until their tips flank the stone and project a little beyond it, and the specimen is then lightly gripped, it should be in a correct position to be handled and inspected with safety. the late sir james walton, in whose safe surgeon's hands tongs were instrument of precision, found it useful to mark with a file a longitudinal groove on the inner faces of the tongs, into which the girdle of the stone to be handled fitted snugly, spacial spring tongs with strongly grooved lips are, in fact, much used in the U.S.A and in switzerland for holding stones securely while under

Amber Beautiful Engagement Rings 24

                  ☺Double Refraction And Dispersion☺

Amber beautiful Rings.

By Aamir Mannan.

When discussing the use of the refractometer in the preceding chapter, reference was made to the curious phenomenon of double refraction, which is characteristic of all minerals which crystallise in systems other than the cubic system. this means that the spilitting of a single ray into two polarised rays which have different velocities and therefore different refrangibility is observable in all the common gem minerals except the 'strenght' of the effect in the various stones differs considerably, and this fact is highly important as an aid to identification.

Double refraction is measured numarically as the difference between the least and greatest refractive indices for the stone; some figures will be found in the table of refractive indies given here. in diminishing order of birefringence (birefringence is another term for double refraction) we have.☺