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Monday, March 31, 2014

Engagement Wedding Ring in Gambia 56

Engagement Wedding Ring in Gambia. 
By Aamir Mannan.

For a woman who owns little more than the clothes she stands up in, Michelle Dampha seems remarkably sanguine.

Michelle's possessions — her clothes, her collection of costly designer handbags, her jewellery and even treasured photos of her children — have all been destroyed in a fire. But not just any old fire. The blaze was started by her ex-husband Darrell Plews, who made a vast bonfire of her belongings after she left him for another man.

Michelle, 34, may have lost almost everything material, but what she has gained, she believes, is infinitely more valuable.

New love: Michelle Plews on her wedding day to Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha last month +5

New love: Michelle Plews on her wedding day to Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha last month

For the mother-of-six from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, claims to have found true love in the form of impoverished Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha, 25, whom she met just seven months ago while on holiday with her former husband in Africa.

So convinced is Michelle that her love for Dampha is genuinely reciprocated, that she has married him in Gambia. Quite when they tied the knot remains an issue of contention. Plews believes Michelle was not yet divorced from him when she made her vows to Lamin. Michelle insists otherwise.

Whatever the truth of the matter, Darrell Plews was estranged from Michelle and intent on revenge when he let himself into the semi-detached home they once shared — while she sunbathed, oblivious, on a Gambian beach — and piled all her possessions into a giant pyre in the garden.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Engagement Diamond Ring In Gambia 55

Engagement Diamond Ring In Gambia.
By Samina aamir. 

engagement ring in Gambia
For a woman who owns little more than the clothes she stands up in, Michelle Dampha seems remarkably sanguine.
Michelle's possessions — her clothes, her collection of costly designer handbags, her jewellery and even treasured photos of her children — have all been destroyed in a fire. But not just any old fire. The blaze was started by her ex-husband Darrell Plews, who made a vast bonfire of her belongings after she left him for another man.

Michelle, 34, may have lost almost everything material, but what she has gained, she believes, is infinitely more valuable.
New love: Michelle Plews on her wedding day to Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha last month +5
New love: Michelle Plews on her wedding day to Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha last month
For the mother-of-six from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, claims to have found true love in the form of impoverished Gambian gardener Lamin Dampha, 25, whom she met just seven months ago while on holiday with her former husband in Africa.

So convinced is Michelle that her love for Dampha is genuinely reciprocated, that she has married him in Gambia. Quite when they tied the knot remains an issue of contention. Plews believes Michelle was not yet divorced from him when she made her vows to Lamin. Michelle insists otherwise.
Whatever the truth of the matter, Darrell Plews was estranged from Michelle and intent on revenge when he let himself into the semi-detached home they once shared — while she sunbathed, oblivious, on a Gambian beach — and piled all her possessions into a giant pyre in the garden.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Engagement Ring in French Southern 54

Engagement  Ring in French Southern.
By Aamir mannan. 
New Orleans is like no other city in the United States. Founded in 1718 as a French colony, New Orleans passed from French hands to Spanish hands until it was finally purchased by the United States in 1803. Now a city pulsating with music and energy, New Orleans, born of French, Spanish and Caribbean influences, has a refreshingly foreign feel. Most tourists are struck by the spectacular diversity of the city. It is a true hodgepodge of cultures, ethnicities and pastimes. The charming European architecture of the French quarter is off-set by the city's spicy Cajun cuisine, bars with no closing hour and strange not-quite southern accents.  Famed for its music and cuisine, "The Big Easy" abounds with a smorgasbord of incomparable restaurants, offerings dishes you can't find anywhere else on the continent, plus plenty lots of jazz and music venues where you can soak in the city's singular ambiance. New Orleans's vivacity peaks at the annual Mardi Gras and Jazz Festivals, which draw thousands to the city to let loose.

New Orleans' best shopping options are scattered across three distinct districts: the French Quarter, The Uptown/Garden District and The Downtown/Central Business District. The French Quarter has a funky eclectic vibe where you'll find jewelry by local designers, imported pieces, and fine crafts work. Tourists also flock to Royal Street for diamond and fine jewelry stores as well as chic fashion boutiques. Magazine Street, one of the pearls of the Uptown/ Garden District is a six-mile stretch of fashionable boutiques and a prime destination for valuable antique jewelry, special handcrafted necklaces and pendants and designer jewelry. Oak Street is the city's old Main Street, with its fair share of jewelry shops. On Poydras Street and Canal Street in the Downtown/Central Business District you'll find the most reputable jewelers who showcase diamond engagement rings, wedding rings and loose diamonds.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Engagement Ring In French Polynesia 53

Engagement Ring In  French Polynesia.
By Aamir Mannan.

In the 20th century, if he could afford it, the typical Western groom privately selected and purchased an engagement ring, which he then presented to his desired bride when he proposed marriage. More recently, couples frequently select an engagement ring together[citation needed]. In countries where both partners wear engagement rings, matching rings may be selected and purchased together.[30] In the United States and Canada, where only women commonly wear engagement rings, women occasionally present their partners with an engagement ring.[31]

Like all jewelry, the price for an engagement ring varies considerably depending on the materials used: the design of the ring, whether it includes a 

gemstone, the value of any gemstone, and the seller. The price of the gemstones, if any, in the ring depends on the type and quality of the gem. Diamonds have a standardized description that values them according to their carat weight, color, clarity and cut. Other gemstones, such as sapphires, rubies, emeralds, have different systems. These may be chosen to honor a family tradition, to use family heirlooms, to be unique, to be socially responsible (they are not associated with blood diamonds or the pollution caused by gold mining and cyanide process), to fit the individual's stylistic preferences, or to manage cost. Synthetic stones and diamond substitutes such as cubic zirconias and moissanites are also popular choices that are socially responsible and reduce cost while maintaining the desired appearance.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Engagement Ring In French Guiana 52

Engagement Ring In French Guiana.
By Aamir mannan.

In the United States, the popularity of diamond engagement rings declined after World War I, even more so after the onset of the Great Depression.
In 1938, the diamond cartel De Beers began a marketing campaign that would have a major impact on engagement rings. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the price of diamonds collapsed. At the same time, market research indicated that engagement rings were going out of style with the younger generation. While the first phase of the marketing campaign consisted of 

market research, the advertising phase began in 1939. One of the first elements of this campaign was to educate the public about the 4 Cs (cut, carats, color, and clarity). In 1947 the slogan, "A Diamond is Forever," was introduced. Ultimately, the De Beers campaign sought to persuade the consumer that an engagement ring is indispensable, and that a diamond is the only acceptable stone for an engagement ring. The campaign was very successful. In 1939 only 10% of engagement rings had diamonds.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Engagement Ring In Finland 51

Engagement Ring In Finland.
By Aamir mannan.

Although the ancient Egyptians are sometimes credited with having invented the engagement ring,[1] and the ancient Greeks with having adopted the tradition,[2] the history of the engagement ring can only be reliably traced as far back as ancient Rome.[3][4][5]
In many countries, engagement rings are placed on the finger nearest the little finger on the left hand. At one time it was believed that this finger contained a vein (the vena amoris) that led to the heart. This idea was popularized by Henry Swinburne in A treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial Contracts (1686).[6] The story seems to have its origin in the ancient Roman book Attic Nights by Aulus Gellius quoting Apion's Aegyptiacorum, where the alleged vein was originally a nervus (a word that can be translated either as "nerve" or "sinew").[7]

The popular belief that an engagement ring was originally part of the bride price which represented purchase and ownership of the bride,[8] has been called into question by contemporary scholarship.[4]:42 note 105
In the second century BC, the Roman bride-to-be was given two rings, a gold one which she wore in public, and one made of iron which she wore at home while attending to household duties. At one time Roman citizens wore rings made of iron. In later years senators who served as ambassadors were given gold seal rings for official use when abroad. Later the privilege of wearing gold rings was extended to other public officials, then to the knights, later to all freeborn, and finally under Justinian, to freedmen. For several centuries it was the custom for Romans to wear iron rings at home, gold rings in public. During this period a girl or woman might receive two engagement rings, one of iron and one of

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Engagement Ring In Fiji 50

Engagement Ring In Fiji.
By Aamir Mannan.

Engagement Ring" redirects here. For the Roy Lichtenstein painting, see Engagement Ring (Roy Lichtenstein).
An engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, especially in Western cultures. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and North America, engagement rings are traditionally worn only by women, and rings can feature diamonds or other gemstones. In other cultures men and women wear matching rings. In some cultures, engagement rings are also used as wedding rings.

Conventionally, the woman's ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal. It represents a formal agreement to future marriage.
In North America, Ireland and the United Kingdom, it is customarily worn on the left hand ring finger, though customs vary across the world.
Before agreeing to marry, a couple may choose to buy and wear pre-engagement rings, also called promise rings. After marrying, the couple may wear both engagement rings and wedding rings, or if they prefer, only the wedding rings. Some brides have their engagement and wedding rings permanently soldered together after marriage.

Engagement Ring Faroe Islands 49

Engagement Ring In Faroe Islands.
By Aamir Mannan.

Every year in the Faroe Islands, a territory of Denmark, hundreds of pilot whales and other species including bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and northern bottlenose whales, are hunted for their meat. The techniques used are intensely stressful and cruel. Entire family groups are rounded up out at sea by small motor boats and driven to the shore. Typically, once they are stranded in shallow water, blunt-ended metal hooks are inserted into their blowholes and used to drag the whales up the beach, where they are killed with a knife cut to their major blood vessels.

In 2012 the Faroese killed 713 pilot whales. Over 1,000 pilot whales have been killed in the 2013 season.
Pilot whale meat is heavily contaminated

The Faroese hunt other species including bottlenose and risso's dolphins

In recent years our campaigning against the hunt has taken a lower profile in the belief that overt and vociferous public pressure has only encouraged the hunts to continue and actually increase in response to public outcry. However, our more recent engagement with communities and authorities in the Faroe Islands has shown some potentially promising ways forward as we continue to seek solutions through a better understanding of these practices, and engagement with likeminded grassroots coalitions in the Faroe Islands. No level of hunting is acceptable to WDC, and we continue to seek new ways to stop this practice.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Engagement Ring In French Southern Territories 48

Engagement Ring In French Southern Territories.
By Aamir Mannan.

The idea that a man should spend a significant fraction of his annual income for an engagement ring originated de novo from De Beers marketing materials in the mid-20th century, in an effort to increase the sale of diamonds. In the 1930s, they suggested that a man should spend the equivalent of one month's income in the engagement ring; later they suggested that he should spend two months' income on it.[32] In 2007, the average cost of an engagement ring in USA as reported by the industry was US$2,100.[33]

One reason for the increased popularity of expensive engagement rings is its relationship to human sexuality and the woman's marriage prospects.[34] Until the Great Depression, a man who broke off a marriage engagement could be sued for breach of promise. Monetary damages included actual expenses incurred in preparing for the wedding, plus damages for emotional distress and loss of other marriage prospects. Damages were greatly increased if the woman had engaged in sexual intercourse with her fiancé.[34] Beginning in 1935, these laws were repealed or limited. However, the social and financial cost of a broken engagement was no less: marriage was the only financially sound option for most women, and if she was no longer a virgin, her prospects for a suitable future marriage were greatly decreased. The diamond engagement ring thus became a source of financial security for the woman

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Engagement Ring In France 47

Engagement Ring In France.
By Aamir Mannan.
The mid-7th century Visigothic Code required "that when the ceremony of betrothal has been performed, ..., and the ring shall have been given or accepted as a pledge, although nothing may have been committed to writing, the promise shall, under no circumstances, be broken."[11][12]

In 860 AD, Pope Nicholas I wrote a letter to Boris I of Bulgaria in reply to questions regarding differences between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox practices. Pope Nicholas describes how in the Western church the man gives his betrothed an engagement ring[13][14][15] At the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215, convoked by Pope Innocent III, theBanns of marriage was instituted, prohibiting clandestine marriages and requiring that marriages be made public in advance.[16] Some legal scholars have seen in this a parallel with the engagement-ring tradition described by Pope Nicholas I.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Engagement Ring Falkland Islands 46

Engagement Ring Falkland Islands.
By Aamir Mannan. 

   When the Spaniards, who, under the conduct of Columbus, discovered America, had taken possession of its most wealthy regions, they surprised and terrified Europe, by a sudden and unexampled influx of riches. They were made, at once, insupportably insolent, and might, perhaps, have become irresistibly powerful, had not their mountainous treasures been scattered in the air, with the ignorant profusion of unaccustomed opulence.
To proportion the eagerness of contest to its importance seems too hard a task for human wisdom. The pride of wit has kept ages busy in the discussion of useless questions, and the pride of power has destroyed armies, to gain or to keep unprofitable possessions.
   Not many years have passed, since the cruelties of war were filling the world with terrour and with sorrow; rage was at last appeased, or strength exhausted, and, to the harassed nations peace was restored with its pleasures and its benefits. Of this state all felt the happiness, and all implored the continuance; but what continuance of happiness can be expected, when the whole system of European empire can be in danger of a new concussion, by a contention for a few spots of earth, which, in the deserts of the ocean, had almost escaped human notice, and which, if they had not happened to make a seamark, had, perhaps, never had a name!

Box to click if you want to read
more about Johnson's political opinions   Fortune often delights to dignify what nature has neglected; and that renown which cannot be claimed by intrinsick excellence or greatness, is, sometimes, derived from unexpected accidents. The Rubicon was ennobled by the passage of Cæsar, and the time is now come, when Falkland's islands demand their historian.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Engagement Rings History Estonia 45

Engagement Rings History Estonia.
By Aamir Mannan.

The Centre for North-West Regional Studies was founded in 1973. It is widely respected, regionally, nationally and internationally for its publications, events and resources. The Centre is involved in a programme of regular activities that are open to the public. These include a series of study days on various subjects, an annual archaeology forum and periodic workshops.

The broad range of research conducted in Lancaster's History Department has an impact on regional, national, and international concerns, from the conservation of the heritage of the North West region to the memorialisation of war and conflict; from to contributions to mass media to promoting sustainable land use in upland regions throughout England and Wales. We have established a wide range of partnerships with local, national, and international bodies, working together with them to disseminate knowledge and to foster the understanding. Our Department is at the forefront of contemporary discussions, contributing to the society and to public awareness.

Activities and projects

The Centre for North Western Regional Studies

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Engagement Ring In Eritrea 44

Engagement Ring In Eritrea.
By Aamir Mannan. 

In the third century AD, Flavius Philostratus wrote this: "For there is an ancient law in regard to the Red Sea, which the king Erythras laid down, when he held sway over that sea, to the effect that the Egyptians should not enter it with a vessel of war, and indeed should employ only a single merchant ship." (Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Book III, chapter XXXV, Loeb Classical Library)
Central areas of Eritrea[citation needed] and most tribes in today's northern Ethiopia share a common background and cultural heritage in the Kingdom of Aksum (and its successor dynasties) of the first millennium (as well as the first millennium BC kingdom of D’mt), and in its Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Church (today, with an autocephalous Eritrean branch), as well as in its Ge'ez language. Around 90% of today's Eritreans speak languages (Tigrinya and Tigre) that are closely related to the now-extinct Geez language - as do Tigrinya-speakers in northern Ethiopia and Amharic-

Eritrean history is home to some of the oldest civilizations on the continent. Together with northern Somalia, Djibouti, and the Red Sea coast of Sudan, Eritrea is considered the most likely location of the land known to the ancient Egyptians as Punt (or "Ta Netjeru," meaning god's land), whose first mention dates to the 25th century BC.[5] The ancient Puntites were a nation of people that had close relations with Pharaonic Egypt during the times of Pharaoh Sahure and Queen Hatshepsut.
Around the 8th century BC, a kingdom known as D'mt was established in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia, with its capital at Yeha in northern Ethiopia. Its successor, the Kingdom of Aksum, emerged around the 1st century BC or 1st century AD and grew to be, as described by the Persian philosopher Mani, one of the four greatest civilizations in the world, along with China, Persia, and Rome.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Engagement Rings Equatorial Guinea 43

Engagement Rings Equatorial Guinea.
By Aamir Mannan.

The activities and the commitment of the members of the Women’s Association are proof for very dynamic and strong groups of women that have worked together since 1948, during the existence of the IRGE. Today, the Association has a national president and meets every three months. It is organized in three committees:
Development (e.g. crop production such as bananas. The revenues flow into development projects implemented by the same Association – e.g. schools)
Evangelization and Prayer (to attend the invalid and sick people in their homes, establishes an annual prayer roll)
Assistance and Care (to attend and take care of sick and invalid persons in their homes or in hospital. This assistance may be physical but also financial)
The IRPGE engages in projects concerning theological formation, health and education. With the support of the IRPGE, a variety of spacious buildings such as churches, dispensaries, schools and kindergartens have been or are being built in different congregations. The amelioration of infrastructure in education and health normally generates financial revenues for the respective congregation. It nevertheless does not benefit the general church administration. Newly built churches seem relatively spacious and luxurious in comparison to the number of members.

Engagement Ring El Salvador 42

Engagement Ring El Salvador.
By Aamir Mannan. 

In 1609 the Audiencia of Guatemala was changed into a captaincy general to deal with threats to the area from foreign incursions into the Caribbean. In 1786, El Salvador, which previously had been broken up into many corregimientos, was transformed into an intendancy, as part of the Bourbon Reforms. This change brought economic and political unity to the area, and aided in the development of a sense of Salvadoran nationalism over the next century.

The first Spanish attempt to control Senorio of Cuzcatlan failed in 1524, when Pedro de Alvarado was forced to retreat by Pipil warriors lead by King Atlacatl and Prince Atonal in the Battle of Acajuctla. In 1525, he returned and succeeded in bringing the district under control of the Audiencia of Mexico. It was Alvarado who named the district for El Salvador ("The Savior") and was appointed its first governor, a position he held until his death in 1541. The area was under the authority of a short-lived Audiencia of Panama from 1538 to 1543, when most of Central America was placed under a new Audiencia of Guatemala.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Engagement Rings In Egypt 41

Engagement Rings In Egypt.
Aamir Mannan.

"Engagement Ring" redirects here. For the Roy Lichtenstein painting, see Engagement Ring (Roy Lichtenstein).
An engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, especially in Western cultures. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and North America, engagement rings are traditionally worn only by women, and rings can feature diamonds or other gemstones. In other cultures men and women wear matching rings. In some cultures, engagement rings are also used as wedding rings.

Conventionally, the woman's ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal. It represents a formal agreement to future marriage.
In North America, Ireland and the United Kingdom, it is customarily worn on the left hand ring finger, though customs vary across the world.
Before agreeing to marry, a couple may choose to buy and wear pre-engagement rings, also called promise rings. After marrying, the couple may wear both engagement rings and wedding rings, or if they prefer, only the wedding rings. Some brides have their engagement and wedding rings permanently soldered together after marriage.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Engagement Opal Ring In Ethiopia 40

Engagement Opal Ring In Ethiopia.
By Aamir Mannan. 

We would like to thank in particular Getahun Tafesse, in Ethiopia for his personal

commitment to the project. In addition we would like to acknowledge the inputs of Dr
Padraig Carmody, David Doyle, and Michael Seifu of DCU. We have had the benefit
of a supportive environment and practical assistance in the School of Law and
Government in DCU, who also provided financial support for the presentation of

interim findings from this project at international academic conferences. We would

also like to thank DCU’s central research committee for providing a PhD scholarship
to Michael Seifu in the context of this research.
This paper, authored by Eileen Connolly draws on work carried out in the Centre for
International Studies DCU, and in the Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute
(EEPRI) in Ethiopia. The Field work was primarily carried out by EEPRI based on a
questionnaire jointly designed by the two organisations. Additional interviews were

carried out by Dr. Padraig Carmody of St Patrick’s College, DCU.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Engagement Rings In Ecuador 139

Engagement Rings In Ecuador.
by Aamir Mannan. 

The majority of Ecuador's population is mestizo, a mixture of both European (Andalusian and Castilian Spaniard) and Amerindian ancestry. The other 10% of Ecuador's population is of European descent, predominantly from Spain, Italy, Lebanon, France and Germany. Around the Esmeraldas and Chota regions, the African influence would be strong among the small population of Afro-Ecuadorians that account for no more than 10%. Close to 95% of Ecuadorians are Roman Catholic, although the indigenous population blend Christian beliefs with ancient indigenous customs.

Ecuador can be split up into four parts, geographically; the Costa (coast), the Sierra (highlands), and El Oriente (the east; which includes the Amazonic region). The Galápagos Islands, or Archipiélago de Colón, also belong to Ecuador.

There is tension and dislike between the residents of Quito and Guayaquil. Additionally, there is centralism in these two cities, so people from other provinces also tend to dislike its residents. Furthermore, due to the at times extreme cultural difference, between the Coast and the Sierra, there is a general dislike between those two regions that traces back to prehispanic times.