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Garnet Beautiful Engagement Ring 7

     Garnet Beautiful Ring   
   By Aamir Mannan.  
The pure magnesium-aluminium garnet would presumably be colourless but such a mineral is never found in nature. All red garnets,in fact,are mainly mixtures of the almandine and pyrope molecules.For convenience we term those with low refractive index and S.G. 'Pyrope' and those richer in iron, having higher refractive index and S.G., 'almandine'. But it so hapens that the pyropes most used in jewellery  (from Kimberley , Bohemia or Arizona) owe their colour more to 

chromiun than to iron. This gives rise to a broad band in the yellow green centered near 5750 A,which swallows two of the three main almandine bands which would otherwise be visible.The third almandine band at 5050 A can be seen rather faintly where the green merges into the blue. As with spinel, narrow chromium lines are seldom seen in the red. Distinctive between pyrope and red spinel should be easy. With rare expectations, pyrope has no fluorescence even under crossed 

filters. Moreover, the broad central absorption band is at the yellow end of the green, whereas in spinal it is 350 A further towards the blue. it must be conceded that some red garnets which are clearly pyropes on the basis of their low S.G. and refractive index may contain little chromium and show merely a weak almandine spectrum. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diamond Stylish Engagement Ring 6

Daimond Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.
Most diamonds show a narrow absorption band at 4I55 A in the deep violet which, when seen,is diagnostic for diamond.In 'Cape' stones this is very intense, and may be accompanied by five weaker bands at 4780,4650,45I0,4350,and 4230 A in the blue and violet.Of these weaker bands the 4780 band is the 

most prominent.Diamonds of the 'brown' series may show a fine line in the blue-green at 5040 A with fainter lines at 5370 and 4980 A,but these are very  difficult to see.On the whole,stones showing a 'Cape' 

spectrum have a blue fluorescence under ultra-violet light,while diamonds of the brown series have a green fluorescence. A blue (copper sulphate ) filter will be found to make lines in the deep violet more easy to observe. It is worth nothing that light is most easily transmitted through a diamond in the direction of the gridle. The stone should be held in this position by 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Yellow Diamond Engagement Ring 4

Yellow Diamond Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.
Today we show you the absolute yellow diamond. 
Love this diamond in the world, is being. This diamond in the old days, the Kings have in their use, and the kings of the diamond is attach in your jewelry. 
And is used in its crown. When people today love the diamond, 
This diamond is unique, you will be wearing the diamond ring made, you will be Stand out from the others, 
You see this ring, you'll love it because we know your love special.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dog Fashion Ring Jewelery Collection 5

Dog  Ring Jewellery.
By Aamir Mannan.
Today we introduce you to ring the dog that you will never have
Beautiful words of love to you.
 Your Choice Is Grit Honor For Us 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Peacock Super Engagement Gold Ring Jewelry Collection.3

Peacock Super Ring-
By Aamir Mannan.
When this beautiful bird peacock to open their, wings when they see him without his definition is the definition GOD.
  The Bird of Paradise has been removed because it helped man the devil influencing him as the sentence was thrown out of heaven by God.
So when God made ​​anything at all, the man said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam, they all went to the angels prostrate to Adam, Satan refused to prostrate?
When Satan asked God to thee, O Satan, what prevented you that you did not prostrate to Adam.
O God told Satan that it is worse to me than why should I prostrate.
When God cursed the devil ordered him expelled from heaven because of not known.
The shackles around his neck and put a curse and command angels taken away too.
Devil his due process was the leader of the angels on this earth is not a wake where Satan did not prostrate to Allah are.
It works but not the ascii worship because he refused to prostrate to Adam.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jespar Engagement Ring 2

                                     Jespar Ring 
                                     By Aamir Mannan.
This stone zircon stone twin brother diamonds in the their appearance suggests.
Often difficult to differentiate between the two stones becomes.
This is just a way to identify and see is that weight of both stones.
Zircon stone size and weight of in the diamonds is weighing.
The onyx stone is called in the Urdu.
This stone is called in Hindi gumydh.

And the Sanskrit language zircon zircon says.

And zircon in the Arabic and English, says Lal.
And the shiny Earliest known rocks in the world of zircon goes.
Zirconium platinum in the the chemical constituents include calcium slack and mgnyz.
That certain types of rocks are found.
in the like which purple glimpse of red stone looks.
Aap Ki Pasand Hai Kaas
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us

Garnat diamond Engagement Ring Jewellery Collection 1

Garnat Diamond Ring
FA manan jewelers where you can get jewelery of every kind. We design your jewelery in modern ways and our workers design this jewelry with God gifted qualities they have in this join our of jewelry making which make you look different from other which is the soul purpose of jewelry making and wearing. Our jewelry will make you look better in every kind of functions and will show ur real high standard.
This will make us proud we respect your choice ur choice matter alot to us. Prouu.d t.o serve yo
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us    Aap Ki Pasand Hai Khaas