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Monday, June 30, 2014

Lesotho Diamond Ruby Engagement Ring Fashion 93

Lesotho Diamond Ruby Engagement Ring Fashion.
By Farzana Aamir.

Responding to an ailing market, with the help of leading U.S. advertising agency N.W. Ayer & Son, in 1947 De Beers launched one of longest-running and successful campaigns, which linked diamonds with romantic love using the slogan “A diamond is forever”. Coined by Frances Gerety, a copywriter at the advertising agency, in 1999, Advertising Age magazine called this the best advertising slogan of the twentieth century. This slogan also conveyed the idea that an engagement ring should not be resold because of its sentimental value. With its multifaceted marketing campaign, which included advertisements of the diamond itself rather than the De Beers brand; radio programs publicizing diamond trends; product placement on television and in films, as well as stories and photographs of celebrities to associate diamonds with the rich and famous, the campaign set out to add mystique and emotional value to the diamond engagement ring

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Lebanon Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion 92

Lebanon Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion.
By Farzana Aamir.

A diamond rush was propelled in 1871, at which point Cecil Rhodes, the founder of De Beers, began buying small mining operators, and eventually De Beers Consolidated Mines was formed. By 1888, De Beers was the sole owner of all diamond operations in the country. At one time it was estimated that over 80 percent of the world’s rough diamonds passed through the Diamond Trading Company (a subsidiary of De Beers) in London, but presently the figure is estimated at around 40 percent.

In the early part of the 20th century platinum became a popular metal for engagement rings. However, platinum was soon declared a strategic metal during World War II, restricted to military purposes, whereby platinum diamond engagement rings practically disappeared from the market. The Great Depression also had a severe impact on diamond engagement ring sales, with sales dropping as much 50 percent.  

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lao People's Laos Sapphire Diamond Engagement Ring 91

Lao People's Laos Sapphire Diamond Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir.

Diamonds were first mined an estimated 6, 000 years ago, in India along the rivers of Penner, Krishna and Godavari. Until the 15th century, diamonds were worn by kings as a symbol of strength and courage. The earliest surviving record of a diamond engagement ring offering dates back to 1477, when Archduke Maximillian of Hamburg gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond betrothal ring. A custom inherited from the Romans, betrothal rings were “truth” rings worn on the third finger of the left hand. The practice of wearing the betrothal ring on this particular finger came from the Ancient Egyptians believed that the vena amoris (the vein of love) ran from that finger directly to the heart.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the “gimmal” i.e. “bond” ring was given as an engagement ring. The gimmal had two rectangular gems, traditionally a diamond and ruby, symbolizing commitment and passion; an exchange reserved for royalty and aristocracy. Posy rings were popular betrothal rings in which traditional sayings, love poems or verses were often inscribed. Less wealthy citizens would give a “Fede” i.e. “faith” ring, similar to the modern day claddagh ring, featuring two hands holding a heart adorned with a crown. In 1518, the smallest diamond engagement ring ever made was given to Princess Mary, who was only two years old at the time, by the proxy to the Dauphin of France. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Latvian Diamond Fashion Engagement Ring 90

Latvian Diamond Fashion Engagement Ring.
By Farzana aamir. 

When They Became A Man’s Worst Enemy…

India was the only major source of diamond gemstones until the eventual depletion of its diamond resources. This in turn led to the exploration of diamonds in other parts of the world.

In eighteenth-century Europe, diamond engagement rings were prominent custom. In addition to the engagement ring, a second ring was also given at the time of the ceremony, today’s wedding band.  The market for diamonds was once again ignited when in 1725 diamonds were discovered in Brazil. However, in 1867, Kimberley, South Africa came to be the world’s biggest diamond producer. The newly discovered diamond region had such a vast supply of diamonds that diamond prices took a drastic fall. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kuwait Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 89

Kuwait Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring. 
By Farzana Aamir. 
Have Diamonds Always Meant Forever? A Brief History of Diamond Engagement Rings

There’s a reason why diamond engagement rings are the token gift of love and the symbol of everlasting romance. Considered one of the most valuable gems of our day, geologists have been fascinated with these minerals because of their unparalleled resistance and durability; the hardest natural mineral known. The word “diamond” comes from the ancient Greek word adámas which means “proper”, “unalterable”, “unbreakable” and “untamed”. The indestructible diamond represents the indestructible sanctity of love, ever-lasting purity and devotion (at least for a few years). Though diamonds may not be as rare as many people think- how they became one of the most symbolic gem stones of our time has its own interesting history. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Korea Democratic (North Korea) Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 88

Korea Democratic (North Korea) Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir.

As the tradition exchanged to the man being the suiter, the symbol of prosperity and wealth being the diamond it was a small item that could be displayed in various social groups with a common and instant grasp of position, stature, wealth, commitment (sure your putting all your money on a womans finger), and of course eventually as Debeers fabricated an eternal representation of love (cough gasp).

I cant say any of this is accurate but I have been in this business 20 years some I have read, some I have heard, some I have been told...sorry...but I think its logical...

Now bear with me while i do some self promotion...dont be mad i have to earn a living to just like Debeers:

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kosovo Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 87

Kosovo Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir. 

I will tell you he uses a computer just like you and finds a dealer in the NYC Diamond Disctrict....sure just like I am one of them (shameless promotion I admit), BUT , if you understand he is getting them in the year 2009 just like everybody else you too can get the same deal.

Its overly simplistic , and a harsh dose of the truth but if you visit my website you will see even some small chains order from my company. Hey lets take it a step farther, Zales, Kay Jewelers they have good diamonds, sure they are not Tiffany Priced, or Harry Winston prices, but they are basically decent mass priced diamonds but again going direct you can get a great deal.

Lots of people dont know this but 1 out of 3 diamonds sold locally and in chains is enhanced (cleaned up with a laser) to make them look better than their original state..thus, the final result is always the grade shown so if you cant tell the difference you have no way of knowing what youa are buying and all sellers are selling, thats right selling so forget the 4'cs or thinking of them as investments.

Focus on getting a white diamond , a good diamond, and you will do well. Studies show the more you research the more you will spend.

and of course shameless self promotion visit my website I even have a video of me personally on the site  again selfish self would do the same thing thanks

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kiribati Fashion Diamond Engagement Gold Ring 86

Kiribati Fashion Diamond Engagement Gold Ring.
By Farzana Aamir. 

I sell them, and cant tell exactly I have tried over the years but this is the best I was able to piece together over the years I have no clue what is fact or fiction.

Centuries ago when a man was going to marry a woman there was something called a dowry, the dowry was kind of like a reward, or a symbol of either gratitute or entitlement given by the father of the bride to the newly arranged husband. Centuries ago, the upper and middle class lived in a hierarchy of social structure that dictated the bigger the dowry the more children and prosperity would come to the newly arranged couple. (Thus this is why in many ethnicity it is still the woman's father who pays for the wedding)

Centuries past, and the tradition took a change as arranged marriages were not as common in areas and societies in Europe and eventually America...thus the diamond ( the diamond itself has a totally separate marketing that evolved via debeers etc not discussed here). 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kenya Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 85

Kenya Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir 

The history of the engagement ring is more about myth and fantasy than actual fact until you enter the 20th Century when a marked turn of events shapes public opinion beyond all doubt.

Today almost everyone's interpretation of the engagement ring is something along these lines: "A symbol of ever lasting purity, love, devotion and commitment between two people". But where did it all start?

The earliest surviving records have shown that Archduke Maximillian of Hamburg may have started the trend among the European wealthy and royalty of giving diamond engagement rings in 1477 by giving Mary of Burgundy a diamond betrothal ring.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Kazakhstan Fashion Diamond Gold Engagement Ring 84

Kazakhstan Fashion Diamond Gold Engagement Ring.
By Aamir Mannan. 

The campaign was remarkably successful. Until 1959 the importation of diamonds had not even been permitted by the postwar Japanese government. When the campaign began in 1968, less than 5 percent of Japanese women getting married received a diamond engagement ring. By 1972 the proportion had risen to 27 percent. By 1978, half of all Japanese women who were married wore a diamond on their ring finger. And, by 1981, some 6o percent of Japanese brides wore diamonds. In a mere thirteen years, the fifteen-hundred-year Japanese tradition was radically revised. Diamonds became a staple of the Japanese marriage. And Japan became, after the United States, the second largest market for the sale of diamond engagement rings. It was all part of the diamond invention.

The invention itself was a relatively recent development in the history of the diamond trade. Up until the late nineteenth century, diamonds were a genuinely rare stone. They were found only in a few river beds in India and the jungles Brazil. The entire world production of gem diamonds amounted to only a few pounds a year.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jordan Diamond Fashion Engagement Ring 83

Jordan Diamond Fashion Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir.

 i was actually an ADVERTISING campaign and a marketing plot to help slow diamond sales post-depression and the advertising agency came up with the idea that diamonds could be sold to the masses instead of the rich an famous only. Here is the complete story:

In 1967, a South African diamond company decided to change the Japanese courtship ritual. It retained J. Walter Thompson, the largest advertising agency in the world, to embark on a campaign to popularize diamond engagement rings in Japan. It was not an easy task. Even the quartering of millions of American soldiers in Japan for a decade had not resulted in any substantial Japanese interest in giving diamonds as a token of love.

The advertising agency began its campaign by subtly suggesting that diamonds were a visible sign of modern Western values. It created a series of color advertisements in Japanese magazines showing very beautiful women displaying their diamond rings. The women all had Western facial features and wore European clothes. Moreover, in most of the advertisements, the women were involved in some activity that defied Japanese traditions, such as bicycling, camping, yachting, ocean-swimming and mountain-climbing. In the background, there usually stood a Japanese man, also attired in fashionable European clothes. In addition, almost all of the automobiles, sporting equipment and other artifacts in the picture, were conspicuous foreign imports. The message in these ads was clear: diamonds represent a sharp break with the Oriental past and an entry point into modern life. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Japan Fashion Engagement Diamond Ring 82

Japan Engagement Diamond Ring.
By farzana Aamir. 

What is the history of the engagement ring?

I was sitting here thinking about wedding and engagement rings (one of those random thoughts that pop into my head from time to time). I already knew the history of a wedding more
Best Answer

Bride to be 08/15/2009 answered 6 years ago
The earliest uses of symbolic rings are attributed to different peoples, including the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Betrothal rings were meant to symbolize a woman’s connection to the man who would become her husband, though the arrangement was more of a business proposition than a romantic union. Romans used iron rings to symbolize strength and permanence, and the Greeks are credited with the initial idea to wear the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand, where the “vena amoris” or vein of love was supposed to connect to the heart.

During the ninth century, Pope Nicolas I endorsed the idea of engagement rings by making a gold ring a betrothal requirement to demonstrate the groom’s wealth and ability to care for a wife. In 1215, Pope Innocent III made a similar declaration though the rings could consist of different metals, including silver and iron, and the rings were meant to be worn during a longer engagement period. The better the ring, the the groom.

Jamaica Diamond White Sapphire Engagement Ring 81

Jamaica Diamond White Sapphire Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir.

The Ancient Persians loved sapphires and even believed that the earth was created atop a very large blue one. They believed that the sky was blue because it reflected the blue gem! Other cultures throughout the ages long believed that the sapphire was capable of calming the spirit and healing the body.

Since my favorite color is red, it’s easy to think I would own a ruby ring. That’s not what I fell in love with when my husband surprised me with a trip to the resort jewelry store while honeymooning in Jamaica, though. The ring I simply couldn’t pull myself away from was a blue sapphire and diamond band that I still adore wearing on my right hand to this day – and for good reason! Read on for a little bit of history, superstition, and symbolism behind the fabulous stone known as the sapphire.

Of course, like most other gem stones and even diamonds, the clearer and more vibrant a gem, the more valuable it is. Sapphires come in a few colors, but the most well-known is blue. The most famous royal blue sapphire engagement ring in modern history was that of Princess Diana’s, now Kate Middleton’s. The ring sports an 8-carat center sapphire surrounded by 14ainty – appearance. These leading ladies weren’t the first royals to sport the beautiful blue hues of 

sapphires, however. As one of the first known gemstones and a hardness of 9 out of 10 on Moh’s Scale – meaning it has excellent hardness and won’t scratch easily – sapphires have be diamond accents and is revered the world over for its powerful – yet den a favorite of royals for many, many years for their precious qualities and symbolism. In fact, the British Crown Jewels feature many large sapphires.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Italian Diamond Fashion Engagement Party Ring 80

Italian Diamond Fashion Engagement Party Ring.
By Farzana Aamir.

The Roman Empire's iron engagement ring tradition

The tradition of engagement rings began in ancient Roman wedding culture but had nothing to do with either bridal fashion or love; the groom gave a ring to his bride-to-be as a public mark that a contract of engagement had been made between the two families.
Once given, the promise to marry became legally binding and engagement traditions meant that only death was an acceptable reason for not continuing to marriage.  For that reason the ring was a very plain, undecorated band made not of gold but of iron - a symbol of the lasting and unbreakable contract.

It was also a public sign that the woman was about to pass from the ownership of one man - her father - to another - her husband, and for that reason men did not wear any form of engagement or wedding band.

How does that translate into modern Italian culture traditions? Bridegrooms in Italy often carry a small piece of iron in their pocket to symbolise the strength of the couple's commitment to each other.

In other countries the bride is given a horseshoe which, although traditionally signifying good luck, was also an iron symbol of strength.  These days it tends to be made of card.

Engagement ring tradition :  from iron to gold

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Israelan Fashion Diamond Engagement Rings 79

Israelan Fashion Diamond Engagement Rings.
By Farzana Aamir.

Since the fifteenth century, when an Antwerp Jewish diamond cutter Lodewyk van Berken invented the scaif, diamond cutting was one of traditional Jewish crafts. The Israeli diamond industry began in 1937, before the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, when the first diamond polishing plant was opened in Petah Tikva by refugee experts from the Netherlands.[2] In 1938 the 15% import duty on imported rough stones was removed. By 1944 the industry employed 3,300 workers in 33 factories, with £P.1,320,000 capital investment, entirely Jewish. The value of exports was over £P.3,200,000 mainly to the United States, Canada, 

and India; It was the largest value of any single commodity exported from Palestine that year.[3] Between 1944 and 1948 the industry suffered from the increasing lawlessness and in February 1948 closed down completely.[4] After a state was declared, the consumer economy was shifted to a war economy. This came at the height of a diamond crisis, as many war torn economies were struggling to re-establish. Since then, the industry has continued to grow, producing a world leader in the diamond industry.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Ireland Fashion Engagement Diamond Ring 78

Ireland Fashion Engagement Diamond Ring. 
By Farzana Aamir 

Girl engagement Ring…what is right for you ?

When deciding which wedding ring is right for you, there are many different styles to choose from ,first you

need to consider your lifestyle !

Every one is different. A ring design that appeals to one person, may not appeal to another, just as a ring

design that works well with one person's lifestyle may not be appropriate for another person's lifestyle.

You need to consider what effect your lifestyle will have on your wedding ring. Consider the following questions

• Can you wear your engagement  ring at work?

• Will you wear your wedding ring everyday?

A engagement ring is not only a symbol of your love, it is also a fashion accessory that will be with you for a long

time. So you need to choose a ring that reflects your personality.You will appreciate your engagement  ring more if

you put a little thought into it.

How To Choose Your engagement and Wedding Jewellery
You have the ring, dress and venue booked, the big day is
almost here ! There is only one last detail to consider….what
jewellery to wear with the dress on the day !

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Iraq Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings 77

Iraq Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings.
By Farzana Aamir. 

Diamond Routes and Centers:

Indian diamonds reached Venice by two Mediterraen routes -- the southern route was by way of Aden, Ethiopia, and Egypt, and the northern route was through Arabia, Persia, Armenia, and Turkey. Then, thanks to the Portuguese discovery of the direct sea route to India, Antwerp flourished as a diamond center, as the city was well-situated to receive vast supplies of rough from Lisbon as well as from Venice.

After Spanish attacks on Antwerp in 1585, many diamond cutters relocated to Amsterdam. And the Netherlands, with its liberal civil policies, attracted diamond craftsmen (including many Jews) who were fleeing religious persecution in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Poland.

In the late 1600's, as the English fortified their interest in India, which was still the world's central diamond source, London became an important cutting center. Later, London became the primary world market of diamond rough.

Today, there are cutting centers all over the world, most notably in Belgium, Indian, Israel, Sourth Africa, and the USA.

Famous Diamonds:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Indonesia Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings 76

Indonesia Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings.
By Farzana  Aamir

 ring traditions from around the worldIs there such thing as the perfect wedding ring? Take a look into the history and cultural significance of wedding rings from a wide range of cultures and religions.

Is there such a thing as the wedding ring?

Marriage is something we find in almost every culture around the world. Although the union between two people who love each other is central to each marriage, each culture has its own traditions. For example, there are wedding clothes, colour themes, blessing rituals and wedding food traditions. There are also smaller cultural differences. One of the best known of these is the wearing of a wedding ring. Although the wedding ring is seen as one of the most universal symbols in the world and carries the same symbolic significance almost everywhere, how the ring is made and worn varies throughout the world.

Wedding ring traditions from around the worldWedding ring traditions from around the worldWedding ring traditions from around the world
Latin American ring / Native American ring / Celtic ring

History of the wedding ring
Let's first look at the history of this very special ring. Although Egypt is regarded as the birthplace of the modern wedding ring, the tradition was actually adopted as long ago as Neanderthal times. Neanderthals used to tie twigs, grass and rushes around the bride's wrists or ankles and regarded this not only as a sign of loyalty and friendship, but also believed that by doing so the wife's soul would remain intact and that she would live longer.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Iranian Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings 75

Iranian Engagement Diamond Fashion Rings.
By Farzana Aamir 

Diamond Routes and Centers:

Indian diamonds reached Venice by two Mediterraen routes -- the southern route was by way of Aden, Ethiopia, and Egypt, and the northern route was through Arabia, Persia, Armenia, and Turkey. Then, thanks to the Portuguese discovery of the direct sea route to India, Antwerp flourished as a diamond center, as the city was well-situated to receive vast supplies of rough from Lisbon as well as from Venice.

After Spanish attacks on Antwerp in 1585, many diamond cutters relocated to Amsterdam. And the Netherlands, with its liberal civil policies, attracted diamond craftsmen (including many Jews) who were fleeing religious persecution in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Poland.

In the late 1600's, as the English fortified their interest in India, which was still the world's central diamond source, London became an important cutting center. Later, London became the primary world market of diamond rough.

Today, there are cutting centers all over the world, most notably in Belgium, Indian, Israel, Sourth Africa, and the USA.

Famous Diamonds:
Famous diamonds often have complex and even contraversial histories because of the secrecy surrounding such stones

Indian Engagement Diamond Gold Fashion Rings 74

Indian Engagement Diamond Gold Fashion Rings.
By Farzana Aamir.
The first river-bed (alluvial) diamonds were probably discovered in India, in around 800 B.C. The volcanic source of these diamonds was never discovered, but the alluvial deposits were rich enough to supply most of the world's diamonds until the eighteenth century, when dwindling Indian supplies probably spurred the exploration that led to the discovery of diamonds in Brazil, which became the next important diamond source. Beginning in l866, South Africa's massive diamond deposits were discovered, and a world-wide diamond rush was on. The South African diamond ouput was unrivaled until major deposits were found in Siberian permafrost in l954. And currently Western Canada is the site of the world's newest diamond rush.

Throughout much of history, diamonds were mined from the sand and gravel surrounding rivers. But in South Africa in 1870 diamond was found in the earth far from a river source, and the pratice of dry-digging for diamonds was born. More sophisticated mining techniques allowed deeper subterranean digging, as well as more efficient river (and, most recently, marine) mining, than ever before.

The cutting of diamonds into the complex facetted forms we now associate with these gems is actually a relatively recent practice. For centuries, rough diamonds were kept as talismans, and often not worn at all, though natural octahedra (eight-sided stones) were sometimes set in rings. A Hungarian queen's crown set with uncut diamonds, dating from approximately l074, is perhaps the earliest example of diamond jewellery. We know that the royalty of France and England wore diamonds by the 1300's. In sixteenth century England, fashionable lovers etched romantic pledges on window-panes with the points of their diamond rings, known as "scribbling rings".

The earliest record of diamond-polishing (with diamond powder) is Indian, and probably dates from the fourteenth century. There are also contemporary references to the practice of diamond polishing in Venice. The earliest reference to diamond cutting is in l550 in Antwerp, the most important diamond center of the period, where a diamond-cutters' guild was soon to be established.