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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Philippines 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 145

 Philippines 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

The Very First Diamond Engagement Ring!

History records Archduke Maximilian of Austria, of the Habsburg Dynasty, as the first person to give his fiancé, Mary of Burgundy, a diamond engagement ring in 1477.  Back then, diamonds were so rare and expensive that apparently even for him it was not a light investment.  Like many modern men, the archduke overspent just a little bit.  In fact, because of this kind of largesse (and the many wars he fought to secure his various territories), Maximilian ended his reign as Holy Roman Emperor drowning in a mountain of debt so high it was equivalent to a decade of income from all his territories combined. Which is probably why the custom he started remained exclusive to the ruling elites for centuries.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Peru 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 144

 Peru 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

The Real History Behind Diamond Engagement Rings

We think of giving away diamond engagement rings as a custom reaching far back in history. Not so. In America, from colonial times through the late 19th Century grooms gave their betrothed a tumbler normally used for sewing. The bride was supposed to cut the top off and use what was left as a ring. Ancient Roman men were even cheaper. They gave their fiances coarse iron rings that symbolized strength. (Whether it referred to the strength of the proposed union or the husband’s authority over his wife was left conveniently vague).  In fact, it wasn’t until 500 years ago that the first diamond engagement ring was given.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Paraguay 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 143

Paraguay 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

Diana Spencer and Prince Charles

Although the discovery of large diamond deposits in Brazil and South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries helped fuel the ascendancy of diamond engagement rings, many of the most affluent actually preferred colored gemstones such as rubies and sapphires.  The diamond engagement ring did not become the standard until after an extensive marketing campaign by De Beers in the middle of the 20th century, which gave us the phrase, “A Diamond is Forever.”  The De Beers campaign was required to bolster the price and public interest in large quantities of diamonds that were suddenly flooding the market.

Because the 20th century was overwhelmingly dominated by the diamond, many of today’s couples have decided that the diamond solitaire is old news.  Instead, many couples are selecting engagement rings with sapphires and other colored gemstones

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Papua New Guinea 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 141

Papua New Guinea 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

Engagement rings very similar to those we know today were common by the end of the 19th century.  Set with a pearl or the best stone the groom could afford, they signaled the couple’s intent to marry after a period of engagement.  At the wedding, the couple frequently substituted simple bands inscribed with their initials and the date of the ceremony.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Panama 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 140

Panama 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
By Farzana Aamir 

Although diamonds were used in rings for many centuries, some experts date the origin of the diamond engagement ring to the 15th century, which also coincides with the time that new techniques for cutting diamonds were developed.

Although it is unlikely the first diamond ring ever used was a love token, the first recorded account of a diamond betrothal ring comes to us from 1477.  It was given by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy at the suggestion of a faithful advisor who counseled: “At the betrothal Your Grace must have a ring set with a diamond and also a gold ring.”  Although the marriage in question was based on Mary’s sizeable fortune, the couple was apparently happy together until Mary died at age 25 as the result of a horseback riding accident.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Palestinian Territories 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring 139

Palestinian Territories 2014 Fashion Diamond Engagement Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

Portrait of Archduke Maximilian of Austria by Albrecht Dürer (1519)

The majority of the betrothal and wedding rings used in the distant past were composed of simple bands.  Although we know that some wedding rings in the Middle Ages contained gemstones, many can’t be positively identified as true betrothal or espousal rings unless they contain an inscription or are otherwise identified as such.  Some of these gemstone rings resemble our modern day engagement rings and others do not.  Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds were all used in these early tokens of love.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Palau Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion 138

Palau Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion.
 By Farzana Aamir 

Whence, following in the footsteps of our predecessors, we absolutely forbid clandestine marriages; and we forbid also that a priest presume to witness such. Wherefore, extending to other localities generally the particular custom that prevails in some, we decree that when marriages are to be contracted they must be announced publicly in the churches by the priests during a suitable and fixed time, so that if legitimate impediments exist, they may be made known.”

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pakistani Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion 137

Pakistani Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion.
 By Farzana Aamir
The History of Engagement Rings

The word “bethrothed” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “troweth,” which means truth.  In medieval England, a betrothed couple shared a “truth” or “pledge” to marry, and a ring served as the outward sign that a woman was promised to another.

The idea of a “period of engagement” arose in the Middle Ages, when, Pope Innocent III instituted a mandatory waiting period between betrothal and marriage.  In the 51st Canon of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) it is stated:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Omani Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion 136

Omani Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion.
 By Farzana Aamir 

Over the years, the most popular cut for diamond engagement rings has always been the round brilliant,consisting of 58 facets that divide the stone into a top and bottom half. Runners up include the princess cut, the emerald cut and the oval cut, with the cushion cut quickly gaining popularity as a recent trend.

Are you ready to pop the question? Get all the perfect proposal tips you need from AGS and when you’re ready, find a trusted diamond jeweler near you.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Norway Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion 135

 Norway Diamond Engagement Ring 2014 Fashion.
 By Farzana Aamir 

In 1947, De Beers launched its now classic slogan, "A Diamond is Forever." This spurred even more sales. The implied durability of a diamond conveyed the meaning in the American psyche that marriage is forever. A diamond's purity and sparkle have now become symbols of the depth of a man's commitment to the woman he loves in practically all corners of the world.

In 1992, the average cost of a diamond engagement ring was $1,500. Today, the average cost is closer to $5,000.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Northern Mariana Islands Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion 2014.134

Northern Mariana Islands Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion 2014. 
 By Farzana Aamir 

Diamonds were too rare and expensive for those of lesser means to afford until the discovery of African diamond mines in the 1870s. The De Beers Company was the sole owner and operator of these newly discovered mines in South Africa. In the 1930s, when demand for diamond rings declined in the U.S. during hard economic times, the De Beers Company began an aggressive marketing campaign using photographs of glamorous movie stars swathed in diamonds. Within three years, the sales of diamonds had increased by 50 percent.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Niue Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion 2014 133

Niue Diamond Engagement Ring Fashion 2014.
 By Farzana Aamir 

The sentimental Victorians popularized ornate engagement ring designs that mixed diamonds with other gemstones, precious metals and enamels. Often these rings were crafted in the shapes of flowers and were dubbed “posey rings.” Diamond rings crafted during the Edwardian era continued the tradition of pairing diamonds with other jewels, commonly mounted in filigree settings.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nigerian Engagement Ring OF Diamond Girl Fashion Ring 132

 Nigerian Engagement Ring OF Diamond Girl Fashion Ring.
By Farzana Aamir 

The History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

A man presents his prospective bride with an engagement ring upon acceptance of his marriage proposal. Anthropologists believe this tradition originated from a Roman custom in which wives wore rings attached to small keys, indicating their husbands' ownership. In 1477, Archduke Maximillian of Austria commissioned the very first diamond engagement ring on record for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. This sparked a trend for diamond rings among European aristocracy and nobility.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Niger Engagement Diamond Girl Fashion Ring 131

 Niger Engagement Diamond Girl Fashion Ring.   
By Farzana Aamir 

Although the tradition of giving a ring to the woman who has promised to become your bride goes back centuries, diamond engagement rings are a relatively recent innovation. Diamond engagement rings first became popular in the 1930s. By 1965, 80 percent of all new brides in the United States sported one.

What's the most important criterion for the diamond engagement ring? It should be a piece of jewelry that she loves and that fits within his budget. Find the style that best fits her personality with our fun, What Kind of Engagement Ring Should You Buy quiz.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Nicaragua Engagement Diamond Fashion Ring 130

 Nicaragua Engagement Diamond Fashion Ring.   
By Farzana Aamir 


Diamonds signify steadfast, enduring love because of their unmatched strength and beauty. The versatile look of diamonds enables them to be worn with any outfit, from an elegant cocktail dress to blue jeans. It’s no wonder diamond engagement rings are the most popular accompaniment to popping the question.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

New Zealand Engagement Diamond Fashion Ring 129

 New Zealand  Engagement Diamond Fashion Ring.  
By Farzana Aamir 

1800s: The highly sentimental Victorians make jewelry from human hair, and use gemstones to spell out names or endearments, such as a D-E-A-R-E-S-T ring set with a sequence of diamond, emerald, amethyst, ruby, emerald, etc.

1867: Diamonds are discovered in the Cape Colony (now a province in South Africa), the beginning of a huge increase in the diamond supply.

1880: Cecil Rhodes, who arrived in South Africa in 1873, founds the DeBeers Mining Company with other investors. Within the decade, they will control 90 percent of the world’s diamond production.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Netherlands Engagement Diamond Super Fashion Ring 126

Netherlands Engagement Diamond Super Fashion Ring.
 By Farzana Aamir 

2nd Century BC: According to Pliny the Elder, the groom gives the bride first a gold ring to wear during the ceremony and at special events, then an iron ring to wear at home, signifying her binding legal agreement to his ownership of her.

1st Century BC: Puzzle rings first appear in Asia, where sultans and sheiks use them to tag each of their wives.