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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blue Sapphire Engagement Rings 23

Aap Ki Pasand Hai Khaas
Blue Sapphire Ring 
Your Choice Is Great Honor For Us
The World Gams Jewejry Collection Sapphire Rings                                              
The Greeks started using gold ring and gems stone rings in their gold jewelry in 1,400 BC,Jewelry although beads shaped as shells and animals were produced widely in earlier times. By 300 BC,blue Sapphire ring the Greeks had mastered making colored gold jewelry and using 

amethysts, pearl and diamond ring emeralds. Also, the first signs of cameos appeared, with the Greeks creating them from Indian Sardonyx, a striped brown pink and cream agate stone. Greek gold jewelry was often simpler than in other cultures, with simple designs and workmanship. However, as time progressed the designs grew in complexity different materials were soon utilized.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Andalusite Gems Stone Engagement Ring 22

                       ANDALUSITE STONE
By Aamir Mannan.
 The brownish green andalusite showing a himt of red, which are rare enough to be sought-after by collectors, may show an absorption band in the blue at 4550 A, but it is not very enough reliable as a test. quite a different spectrum is seen in a rare green type of the mineral 

from  Brazil. Because of the extreme fineness and delicacy of the bands, this was formerly assumed to owe its absorption features to some unidentified rare earth. But this beautiful spectrum can now be ascribed to manganese, and was reported as a feature of viridine a manganese rich form of andalusite. In 

this spectrum there is a sharp edge of  shadow at 5255 A in the green, shading away on the yellow sidewhile on the other side is a narrow line at 5495 a.  

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Enstatite Engagement Ring 21

Ring Jewellery.
An outstanding feature in the absorption spectrum of enstatite is a clear-cut, narrow band at 5060 A. This is seen in tremendous strength in brownish stone from India, when weaker bands at 5480,4830,4500 A etc can also be seen.In the attractive green enstatite which, with fine red pyrope pebbles , were recovered from the diamond concentrates in Kimberley. the colour is enriched by the presence of chromium and a doublet can be seen at 6870 A and weaker chromium bands on the short-wave side of this in the usual chromium manner. In these green 

enstatites the 5060 bands is still sharp and clear. There can be no doubt in it is due to ferrous iron. This region of the spectrum, where green turns to blue, is often the opposition for the strongest iron bands.e

Friday, July 12, 2013

Demantoid Garnet Engagement Ring 20

 Demantoid Garnet Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.                  DEMANTOID GARNET
The most valuable and most attractive of the garnets, the green garnet demantoid, is the variety of the  calcium-iron garnet andradite. Here again we have an iron spectrum(iron) with enough chromium to enrich the colour and show chromium lines in the red. The iron band is an strongly intense one, centered at 4430 A. This is far enough into the blue-violet to be difficult to see as anything more than a sharp cut-off to the

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chrysoprase Engagement Ring 19

Chrysoprase Ring
By Aamir Mannan.
Chrysoprase is rare,and highly prized compared with other forms of chalcedony;it owns its attractive apple-to jade-green colour to traces of 
nickel.A faint and ill-defined line in the red at 6320A can be discerned and is due to this element.This would hardly warrant inclusion here were is not useful to be able to distinguish 

between true chrysoprase and the other green chalcedonies which are described below, by means of the spectroscope.There is no other easy means.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Green Garnet Engagement Ring 18

        Green Garnet Ring. 
Transparent green gossular garnet has been found in Pakistan and in Tanzania and forms an attractive gemstone, though not approaching its 

illustrious cousin demantoid either in colour or dispersive power. the absorption spectrum shows little distinction in the specimens seen.  The massive translucent green grosular found in transvaal and recently in Pakistan is more correctly called HYDROGROSSULAR as some of the silica is replaced by water 

molecules. This can grade into californite, the massive green form of idocrase, which also contains hydroxyl ions. When hydregrossular is coloured green by chromium, a broad band is seen in the orange, centered at 6300 A and with a notice ably sharp cut-off on the long-wave side. Californite. on the other

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Alexandrite Engagement Rings 17

         Alexandrite Rings.
By Aamir Mannan.              ALEXANDRITE
This is another typical chromium spectrum, with the lines more clearly defined  than in emerald - sharper perhaps even than in ruby. In alexandrite the central board absorption band which determines the colour is in a half-way position, centered at 

5800 A, compared with the red ruby and the green emerald - hence its balance of colour between green (daylight) and red (tunstun light). The strong doublet in the deep red is at 6803 and 6785 A, and its 'reversible' as in ruby, though not seen as a fluorescence line in ordinary circumstances. There are weaker lines at 6650,6550 and 6450 A. Narrow lines can be seen in the blue at 4730 and 4680 
A. There is sufficient resemblance with the ruby spectrum to cause possible error if the spectrum is only carelessly examined, and the stone itself accepted as ruby on its appearance in artificial light only.

Jadeite Engagement Ring 16

Jadeite Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.                       JADEITE
Fine green jadeite owes its colour almost entirely to chromium, and typical chromium lines are seen in the red. There might be confusion here with translucent emerald, but in jadeite the lines 

are noticeably more diffuse. The douplet (not properly resolved) is centered at 69I5A,and two weaker lines at 6550 and 6300A.There is strong general absorption of 

the violet end of the spectrum,but if the slit of the spectroscope be opened to allow more light through,a powerful band at 4370A can be

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Crow Ring 15

The Crow Ring.
 By Aamir Mannan.

This is a very rare ring, ring kW, you will have seen this ring before the ring, it is a feature not commonly found in the market,
Make you will have to order this ring, and the ring so you can try to get
And you will feel very satisfied, we kW ring set in white gold and it will make that special care has been
Wearing your way to the ring, the ring I do not have any problem going to love you, because we know your special love.

This is a very rare ring, ring crow, you will have seen before that this brazier, this ring is a feature not normally found in the market,
Wearing you will have to order the fireplace, so you can wear the ring to get

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Amber Engagement Ring 14

Amber Ring.
By Aamir Mannan.
Amber is a beautiful stone, this stone come see you made ​​a lot of 
pictures, a picture made ​​you look fly, and the rocks you will see a picture of a bird,
The stone is so beautiful that wear this stone looks like it does,
We amber stone ring for your gold and silver produced in the
  The special is for you. Lot of you will like this ring,
Especially because we know you like it.

Amethyst Engagement Ring 13

Amethyst Ring  
Aamir Mannan.
Ameythyst a gold or silver ring is very beautiful,
We wish you a lot of rings offer
We may be a stone ring, your heart and your love from us bnualyn the rings, so you and our relationship is,
It's a trusted relationship, and we produce the best jewelry to keep trying day and night. With the help of our skilled artisans will give you great jewelry making,
Ameythys a gold or silver ring is very beautiful,
We wish you a lot of rings offer
We can no ring and your heart will heal us from the love aguthy bnualyn, so you and our relationship is, it is a trusted relationship, and the best jewelery for you keep working day and night in preparation. With the help of our skilled artisans will give you great jewelry making,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Birds Engagement Rings 12

Birds Rings.
By Aamir Mannan.
Welcome We welcome you to an audience of birds rings, the rings are made from gold, 18 Crete, in this particular matter, 
The shape of the birds that we really tried to make it, and we will tell you how successful we are Woven, because our success is dependent on your choice, 
If you appreciate our efforts is our biggest success, 
We hope to God he will not let us ashamed in front of you, 
And our attempts to use his particular party., And people will gather resolution for us, birds are very beautiful ring, your friends will tell you,
And it is our success.

Beautiful Cat Ring Jewellery Collection 11

Beautiful Cat Ring.
By Aamir Mannan. 
Well you will see many rings, but today we introduce you to the ring are
He has a special ring, which we have created especially for you, like your words very much, so your cat is the most beautiful ring is made ​​of gold Crete is 18, then the white gold it is also used, these rings will really like you a lot, especially because we know your love,
Well you will see many rings, but today we introduce you to the ring are
He has a special ring, which we have created especially for you, like your words very much, so is your cat crate 18 ring, which is very khobso is made ​​of gold, white gold, we also it is also used, these rings will really like you a lot, especially because we know your love,

Pearl Ring Engagement 10

Pearl Ring 
By Aamir Mannan.
بہت سی زبانوں بعض چیزوں کو ایک ملا کر یا ایک ساتھ بھی بولا جاتا ہے اس کو لوگ لازم و ملزوم بھی کتے ہیں عام بولی میں جس طرح کھانا پانی صبح شام اور رونا دھونا کہا جاتا ہے اسی طرح پتھروں کو بھی ایک ساتھ بولا جاتا اور وہ ہے ہیرا موتی ہم کو ہیرے کے مطلق آپ کو بتا چکے ہیں اب ہم آپ کو موتی کی حقیقت اور اس کے برج سے مطلق انسانی زندگی پر  موتی کے اثرات اور برج کی قوتوں کو بیان کریں گے اس طرح وہ لوگ جن کو موتی کے برج سے مناسبت ہے وہ لوگ اپنے لئے زندگی کا مناسب راستہ چن سکیں اپنے برج کو پہچان کر اس کی خوبیاں اور خامیوں کو مدینظر رکھ کر اپنی حیات کو کامیاب بنا سکیں یہ سب کچھ اسی انسان کو فائدہ پہچانتا ہے اور لوگوں کے کام آتا ہے اور سب سے بڑھ کر یہ بات ہے کے اگر موتی کسی شخص کو راس نہ بھی آے تب بھی اس آدمی کو نقصان نہیں پہنچتا ہے اور موتی کی یہی وہ تعریف  ہے جس نے موتی کو ہر دل عزیز بنایا ہے اس طرح اب اصلی موتی کو سچا موتی اور نقلی موتی کو مصنوئی یا  کچا موتی کہا جاتا ہے
موتی میں جو کیمیائی اجزا پاۓ جاتے وہ ہم آپ کو بتاتے ہیں تاکے آپ موتی سے سہی طور فائدہ اٹھا سکیں 

  1. سچے موتی میں کئی کیمیائی اجزا پائے جاتے ہیں اس میں کروم ہوتا ہے 
  2. موتی میں کیلشیم کاربونیٹ اور سلیکا جیسے مادی اجزا بھی پائے جاتے ہیں 
سچا موتی بے شمار اقسام اور بہت رنگوں میں پایا جاتا ہے اس میں جو موتی سب
سے زیادہ چمک رکھتا ہے اس کو درشہوار کہا جاتا ہے در فارسی میں میں موتی کو کہتے ہیں اس طرح درشہوار کا مطلب ہے شاہانہ موتی اس طرح گلابی رنگ کا موتی بھی بہت قیمتی اور نایاب ہوتا ہے دراصل موتی کی اصل قیمت اس چمک دمک سے لگائی جاتی ہے اگر کسی موتی میں کوئی نقص یا عیب نہ ہو تو اس موتی کو بہت قیمتی سمجھا جاتا 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red Zircon Engagement Ring 9

Red Zircon Ring. 
By Aamir Mannan.       Your Choice       
Is Great Honor For Us.

 RED STONES                     RED ZIRCON
Through some red zircons show the distinctive narrow band in the red at 6535A,its fainter companion at 6590A,and some ten other narrow bands distributed throughout the spectrum,due to uranium,there are some (notably those from Expailly)which show no bands at all.The drawing given shows the full spectrum.Wavelengths of these bands will be given in the description of the yellow zircon spectrum,which is more constand and reliable.
        Of the other red or pink stones found in jewellery which show absorption bands one may briefly mention red pastes owing their colour to selenium,which have only a board band in the green which varies in position according to the type of glass used,and the two translucent ornamental pink stones, rhodonite and rhodochrosite.
         these both owe their colour to manganese and have similar spectra.Normally only a broad band in the green centred near 5500A can be seen.Transparent specimens of rhodochrosite,which are very rare,show a band in the violet at 4490A and an intense band at 4I00A in the deep violet.Transparent rhodonite shows a narrow band at 5030A,a